And while Imperial’s followers tend to applaud her in the comments for demystifying sex work, many exotic dancers who Rolling Stone spoke with see her content as contributing to stigma, not detracting from it. There’s just one problem: Many on StripperTok don’t believe Imperial’s stories are actually true.

In some of her earlier videos, she’ll speak in an offbeat patois that sounds part American, part Australian, which disappears in her later work and which she has attributed to a speech impediment. Often to the tune of “Dominique,” an upbeat 1960s Belgian pop song by Jeannine Deckers, Imperial has gone viral with her tales of, among other things, running into her father at a private party, being pelted with feces while performing onstage, being attacked by jealous wives and girlfriends, and getting caught in the middle of a club shooting. These have led her to go viral on StripperTok, shorthand for TikTok’s exotic-dancer community. But Imperial’s most popular videos recount wild stories about her stripping career.

Many of her videos are jokey TikToks, using trending audios and complaining about being single and showing off her studio apartment. An 18-year-old with high cheekbones, a septum piercing, and intense, dark eyebrows, Imperial has racked up an impressive 1.9 million followers in less than a year, typically posting at least once a day. If you spend a lot of time on TikTok, then you’ve probably come across ItsImperial on your For You page.